buildHtml baseUrl metaTags title Valentine's E-Date Invitation style.css editButton /edit.html header class hero div class hearts div ♥ class heart animate-float div ♥ class heart animate-float delay-1 div ♥ class heart animate-float delay-2 div class hero-content h1 Be My Digital Valentine? p Join me for a romantic virtual date on Valentine's Day class tagline main section class invitation div class invitation-card p Choose Our Moment: class time-label div class time-selector button 2:00 PM HST class time-option data-time 2 button 5:00 PM HST class time-option data-time 5 button 6:00 PM HST class time-option data-time 6 form id rsvpForm class rsvp-form div class form-group label Your Digital Alias for name input type text id name required div class form-group label Secret Message for message textarea id message button Submit RSVP type submit section class confirmation p ❤️ Your cosmic connection is confirmed! ❤️ p See you in the digital ether... footer div class footer-content p Crafted with ♥ for you script.js